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Everything begins with


Everything we do starts with the question can it be done safely?


Protecting the lives of our employees, clients, subcontractors and the public is a core value of Waterfront Services Co.  WFS beliefs that every incident is preventable and with a combination of proper education, documentation, equipment, and monitoring we can ensure each and every employee returns home safely at the end of each day.  Our safety program is designed to address risks commonly found in our industry and intended to be proactive as well as empowering to the individual.  From extensive training to focused policies and programs our safety management system is designed to effectively manage occupational risks with the goal of lowering the frequency of incidents in our organization.  This value is shared from the top down in our organization as we strive for continuous improvement.  That is why before any business endeavor we start with the question...  Can it be done safety?


Our training programs provide leaders with the knowledge and understanding of the tools that maintain safe systems and processes.


Planning identifies hazards and risks of major operations while allowing for detailed evaluations.  Planning minimizes risk while improving quality, effeciency and operations.


Accountability is critical to success. Each manager’s safety performance is measured annually to target goals set by our safety committee.  Targets are developed with continual

improvement philosophies and industry statistics.

Our commitment is proven and demonstrated through our award winning safety performance and guided by a Core Safety Program. 

TSMS Certificate

Waterfront's team has attained its TSMS Certificates through extensive vessel and management audits through Towing Vessel Inspection Bureau (TVIB).


All company vessels undergo annual internal auditing and surveying to ensure compliance with regulatory amendments and TSMS Certificate requirements.

Responsible Carrier Program

American Waterways Operators – Responsible Carrier Program (AWO-RCP) is a Safety Management System (SMS) combined with quality and environmental standards for tugboats, towboats and barges.


Waterfront Services Co. is a member AWO and our operations and vessels are also fully compliant with the RCP requirements.

Tanker Management Self Assessment
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The SIRE program encourages companies to assess their safety management system (SMS) against key performance indicators (KPIs) and provides a minimum expectation (level 1) plus three levels of increasing best practice guidance.


By aligning our policies and procedures with industry best practices we improve our performance while attaining high standards of safety and pollution prevention. It supports our desire for continuous improvement.




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